Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Code Switching Essay

Abstract: Though codeswitching research may vary from context to context and situation to situation, the common factors for code switching will be threefold. That is, code switching deals with languages in contact. In interactive social situations code switching will be the use of more than one language For example the interaction during various social events involving interlocutors who know more than one language. With these common factors of code switching this paper looks into the Malaysian context with special thrust to the various reasons involved for code switching during the social interactions. Data for the present paper were collected from the Tamil speaking undergraduate students of the University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. Their interaction in different identified domains involving three languages viz. Tamil, Malay and English were looked into. Gumperz (1982) while discussing the communicative function of code switching, claims that the speaker plays upon the connection of the we-code to create conversational effect. Thus code switching is seen as fulfilling the relational and referential functions of language that amounts to effective communication and interlingual unity. Apart from this function of code switching ,this paper could identifies several other reasons for code switching in the situations under study. Communicative functions and Reasons for Codeswitching : Malaysian Perspective . Code switching is an everyday reality in every place where more than one language is spoken in everyday communications. Many scholars have studied  extensively about the patterns of code switching and the reasons for code switching. The present paper discusses the communicative functions of code switching and also the sociolinguistic, cultural and pedagogic reasons for code switching in the Malaysian context. Data for the present study were collected from Tamil speaking University students who have enrolled as undergraduate students in the University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. The data were collected from these students while they were interacting in different domains viz. classroom, university campus, family, market, neighborhood etc. In all these domains they have to interact with Malay and Chinese speakers apart from as well as with other Tamil speakers. It is observed that all the students from whom the data were collected are competent to a certain extent in Tamil, Malay and English. Communicative Functions of Codeswitching Gumperz (1982) when discussing communicative functions, mentions the discourse function of codeswitching, also called the personalization function of language. A speaker plays upon the connotation of the we-code to create a conversational effect. Thus, code switching is seen as fulfilling the relational and referential function of language that amounts to effective communication and interlingual unity. Halliday (1975) on the other hand, views code switching as fulfilling the interpersonal function of communication. Here the mixed language spoken plays the role of a mediator. In other words, it is the use of language to act as a mediator between self and participants in the communicative event. In fulfilling the relational and referential functions, code switching is seen as the medium to convey both social and linguistic meanings. Gumperz (pg. 144, 1982) lists examples of situations created to convey meaning as given below: to appeal to the literate to appeal to the illiterate to convey precise meaning to ease communication, i.e., utilizing the shortest and the easiest route to negotiate with greater authority to capture attention, i.e. stylistic, emphatic, emotional to emphasize a point to communicate more effectively to identify with a particular group to close the status gap to establish goodwill and support Karen Kow (2003) listed in her article a few possible conditions for code switching. Some of the conditions given are, lack of one word in either language Some activities have only been experienced in one of the languages Some concepts are easier to express in one of the languages A misunderstanding has to be clarified One wishes to create a certain communication effect One continues to speak the language latest used because of the trigger effect One wants to make a point One wishes to express group solidarity One wishes to exclude another person from the dialogue. Kow suggests that from the list above, it may be possible to predict which conditions act on a particular sociolinguistic context for codeswitching, for example, when a person who lacks a word in English due to limited vocabulary code switches by using the lexical component from his/her first language instead of English. Therefore, the function here is to overcome the language barrier to meaning-making. Another example is a condition where the speaker, intending to express group solidarity, employs code switching. The function for the switch in this case is to establish goodwill and rapport. Similarly series of conditions can be established for the phenomenon of code switching depending on the social context. Such communicative functions of codeswitching can also be listed according to the functions that they try to accomplish. Among these, the following ten functions have been described in the professional literature (Malik, 1994): Lack of Facility Lack of Register Mood of the Speaker To emphasize a point Habitual Experience Semantic significance To show identity with a group To address a different audience Pragmatic reasons To attract attention. 1. Lack of facility : According to Malik (1994), bilinguals or multilinguals often explain that they code switch when they cannot find an appropriate expression or vocabulary item or when the language of conversation does not have the particular word needed to carry on the conversation smoothly. He offers the example of â€Å"Charan Sparsh† (touching feet) that does not convey the same meaning in the speaker’s code as it does in Hindi. The reason for switching may however be culturally conditioned and David (2003) notes that an alien concept often has a speaker switch to the language from which the concept is borrowed. For example, like the lexical item social drinker in English that is unacceptable in a Malay situation because of the simple fact that drinking alcohol is prohibited in Islam and the Malay-Muslim world does not have a word for it that is equivalent to its meaning in English. Hence, the phrase social drinker is directly borrowed and used as an instance of phrase level mixing as in the following example: Saya difahamkan bahawa OKS jarang minum, hanya seorang social drinker [I understand that OKS seldom drinks, he is only a social drinker] 2. Lack of register: When speakers are not equally competent in two languages and when the speakers do not know the terms in two languages, then codeswitching occurs. For example, college students often code switch by moving from Hindi to English. In certain occupations code switching takes place in the speech of doctors, lawyers, engineers while they interact among  themselves owing to the fact that proper terms in Hindi or in any other language other than English may not be available to them. As a result, they utilize the English terminology that they are familiar with. Thus, one can identify a great deal of lexical code mixing. As David (2003) notes, it is vital for a courtroom setting in Malaysia that a specific terminology be used to refer correctly to an object or a character. The use of the exact terminology or vocabulary is important in this setting when the terminology plays an important role and has the potentiality to make a major impact on life and death, freedom or imprisonment. Therefore, whichever the code is that enables the speaker to get his/her exact meaning across will be the one that is acceptable to the interactants including one where language mixing occurs. The following example cited by David is to the point: Ujian alcohol telah dijalankan iaitu breath analyzer test. [The alcohol test was conducted, i.e., a breath analyzer test] The term breath analyzer is in English rather than in the matrix language, Bahasa Malaysia, simply because of its context-bound significance. 3. Mood of the speaker: Malik (1994) claims that usually when bilinguals are tired or angry, code switching takes place with a new dimension. This means, when the speaker is in the right state of mind, he/she can find the appropriate word or expression in the base language. Very often he/she knows exactly the word in both the languages (X and Y) but the language Y may be more available at the point of time when the speaker has a disturbed mind. Such circumstances may create a hurdle in getting the appropriate word or phrase in the language in which the speaker may be more proficient if he is not mentally agitated. 4. To emphasize a point: Switching is also used to emphasize a point. Gal (1979) reports several instances in which a switch at the end of an argument not only helps to end the interaction but may serve to emphasize a point.  She has taken an example from English/German code switching and stressed that switching from English to German is a means of adding more force to the statement. Meanwhile, David (2003) uses the courtroom environment to show how a defending lawyer uses dominant Bahasa Malaysia to start with and shifts to English to emphasize an important point to the judge that the accused had not committed any crime for 10 years. Sebelum ini OKT pernah ditangkap pada tahun 1975 dan 1986. There has been a 10 years gap since the last offence Semenjak itu OKT telah berumahtangga, mempunyai kerja tetap dan insaf†. [Before this, OKT was caught in 1975 and 1986†¦..since then OKT has married and has held a steady job] 5. Habitual experience: Malik.(1994) stresses the fact that code switching often occurs in fixed phrases of greeting and parting, commands and request, invitation, expressions of gratitude and discourse markers such as Oyes (listen), you know or pero (but), whereas Hoffman (1971) reports that in Puerto Rican homes, the mother gives short commands to their children in English, such as Don’t do that†¦. and the rest of the mother’s warning will be in Spanish. David (2003), in turn, cites an example of habitual mixed discourse in a Malaysian courtroom where the dominant or matrix language is Bahasa Malaysia: Kes merupakan arrest case atau kes saman? [Is this an arrest case or a summons case?] 6. Semantic significance: Malik (1994), Gumperz (1970, 1976, 1982), and Gumperz and Hernandez (1972) all stresses that switching at a particular moment conveys semantically significant information. It is a communicative resource that builds on participant’s perception of two languages. Lexical choice conveys meaning during codeswitching. Gal (1979) reinforced this view by stating that listeners interpret codeswitching as an indicator of the speaker’s attitude, or communicative intents and emotions as code switching is a tool for conveying appropriate linguistic and social information. By the same token, David (2003) describes a range of speech acts like reprimands, directives, requests, and warnings that are conveyed by using different intricate strategies to show the semantic significance in certain specific situations. It is not only the lawyer who code switches, but also the judge. The example below shows how a judge shifts from Bahasa Malaysia, the national language and the official language at Malaysian courts, to English as a face saving gesture: Kenapa kamu tak setuju, panggilan pertama telah dijawab oleh BG Boy dan dah tentu Das mesti menanya di manakah BG Boy berada? Kamu tak faham soalan, saya maksudkan†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ [Why don’t you agree – Bg Boy responded to the first call and surely Dos asked where he was ? You do not understand the question, I mean†¦.] 7. To show identity with a group: Di Pietro (1977) reports that Italian immigrants would tell a joke in English and give the punch line in Italian, not only because it was better said in Italian but also to stress the fact that they all belong to the same minority group, with shared values and experiences (cited in Malik, 1994). 8. To address a different audience: Malik (1994) states that code switching is also used when the speaker intends to address people coming from various linguistic backgrounds. For example, in India the television announcer often uses Hindi as it is the national language but also switches to English. Also, he often repeats the same in English for South Indians or Indian people who do not know Hindi. Similar types of situations have also been reported in some other settings. Linguistic reinforcement often takes place even in courts, according to David (2003) where counsels tend to speak to a number of different interlocutors at the same time. During such occasions obviously they mix codes or switch codes accordint to the ethnicity of the addressee. One reason for such use of mixed languages is to address simultaneously persons from different linguistic backgrounds. Also, the speaker clearly distinguishes whom he/she addresses and what should be communicated. Hence,  the speaker uses part of the sentence in one language and the other part in another language. In the example below the lawyer used a mixed discourse of English/Malay, and the part of his utterance in English is directed to the judge and the other in Malay is meant for the witness. Objection, ada dua fakta di sini.The facts of the chart sheet are clear; it is a clear indication of misinformation. mana satu nak jawab? [Objection, there are two facts here. The facts of the chart sheet are clear; it’s a clear indication of misinformation. Which one do you want to answer?] The code switch is important as the judgment is dependent on the argument of the lawyer

Classification of Fish

Whitney East Mr. Beall Speech 1200 October 24, 2012 Outline: Topical Classifying Fish Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the different classifications of fish. Central Idea: Fish are classified by their different characteristics which sorts them into different classes like Agnatha, Chondrichthyes, and Osteichthyes. Introduction I. Classification of living things helps people to understand how living organisms may or may not be related to each other. A. The system of classification we use today was invented 200 years ago by Carl Linnaeus.B. Carl Linnaeus system of classification groups organisms by their characteristics or features they have in common. II. According to the book Vertebrate Biology by ORR Robert; Fish, mammals, reptiles, birds, and amphibians are classified together as vertebrates because they all have an internal backbone. III. In researching this particular topic, I learned that the most important characteristics used in fish classification are the type of bone in their skeleton, the gill structure, the number and shape of fins, and the type of scales. IV.Now I will introduce you to the characteristics and the three different classes of fish. â€Å"Jawless (Agnatha), Cartilaginous (Chondrichthyes), and Bony Fish (Osteichthyes). Body I. The Agnatha class is the oldest group, similar to fish but with some different characteristics. A. As explained in The Evolution of Vertebrate Design, certain characteristics like lacking jaws is what classified fish to this class. 1. The Agnatha class lacks an internal bone skeleton, jaws, and paired fins. 2. Instead of jaws, they have circular toothed mouths called cyclostomic. Which they use to suck blood from the side of their prey. . They have a smooth, scale less skin which is soft to the touch. B. There are two living groups of Agnatha the lampreys and Hagfish 1. Lamprey have a single dorsal nostril, a pineal eye, three fins (anterior, posterior, and caudal fin), and a long row or circular gill pouch openings. They make a living being a parasite that eventually kills the prey they latch onto. 2. Hagfish have long eel-like bodies, no eyes, no true fins, a single nostril, up to eight barbels (like whiskers/tentacles for fish) and have rows of horny teeth used to grasp food and draw it in. II.Chondrichthyes fish today include both fearsome predator characteristics and harmless characteristics. A. As explained in Vertebrate Biology, all Chondrichthyes lack true bone. 1. The Chondrichthyes fish have full cartilage skeletons. 2. They have teeth that are made of calcium which grow in rows throughout the fish’s life. 3. They have a regular pattern of fins and there external skin is entirely cartilaginous. B. Sharks, skates, and rays make up the Chondrichthyes class. 1. Sharks have pointed snouts and crescent shaped mouths with several rows of sharp triangular teeth.They have five gills on each side that have individual gill slits shown externally. 2. Skates are rounded to d iamond shaped. They have large pectoral fins extending from the snout to the base of their tail. The mouth and gills are on the underside of their bodies. Skates are bottom dwellers and trap their prey by dropping down on their prey from above. 3. Rays can be classified into the following groups: electric rays, sawfish, skates, and many families of rays that have slender whip like tails. III. The Osteichthyes (bony fish) is the largest class of vertebrates with over 20,000 species.A. Stephen Savage states in the book Fish that, Osteichthyes have skeletons made of bone, flat scales, and gills. 1. Bony fish have a much stiffer skeleton because it is reinforced by calcium salts. 2. Bony fish also have acute eyesight unlike other classes of fish 3. Bony fish have a special organ called a swim blatter housed under their bony skeleton is a gas filled chamber that allows the fish to remain floating in the water. B. Tuna and Seahorses are examples of bony fish (Osteichthyes) 1. The tuna is stout in the middle and tappers to points at both ends.The tuna had two closely spaced dorsal fins on its back. The tuna is generally metallic dark blue color on its sides and silvery on its underside. 2. The seahorse has a heavy bony armor which makes them poor swimmers. They mostly anchor themselves with their tails to things like seaweed or other kinds of plants. They have a transparent dorsal fin on its back that propels them forward. Conclusion I. An animal is not a fish unless it has all the right characteristics II. No matter how different fish are, most fish share several basic characteristics: fins, gills, scales, and hatch babies from eggs. III.Fish classification is sometimes confusing and difficult, but it is a useful way of learning about different groups of fascinating fish around the world.Bibliography Animal Planet. N. p. , n. d. Web. 23 Oct. 2012. <http://animals. howstuffworks. com/fish/fish-info5. htm>. ORR, ROBERT T. VERTEBRATE BIOLOGY. FOURTH ed. PHILADELP HIA: W. B. SAUNDERS, 1976. Print. Radinsky, Leonard B. The Evolution of Vertebrate Design: Leonard B. Radinsky. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1987. Print. Savage, Stephen. Fish. Austin,Texas: Raintree, 2000. Print. Wallace, Holly. Classification. Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2000. Print.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

“Of Mice and Men”: Naturalism Essay

Naturalism is a very intense style of literature that an author can use. With naturalism, the author is trying to convey knowledge acquired through the senses and experiences they them selves have been through. In the novel of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, he portrays elements of naturalism through his very own sights and experiences. During the depression John Steinbeck got a first hand dose of what it meant to deal with sordid aspects of life. Just like his book, he portrays his accounts using highly realistic settings, and brutal characters with foul mouths that deal with depressing issues of life. In the real world things happen, but in the world of Mice and Men, nothing ever seems to happen the way the characters hope. Steinbeck wanted his characters to be brutal and fail to achieve their goals they worked so hard to get. He wanted the characters to have foul mouths and have bleak views of what life really is. As said from the genre paper of naturalism â€Å"Characters in naturalistic literature are trapped by their heredity and environment and end in failure.† Dealing with vast emotions and massive challenges, characters like George and Lennie in the novel, ended in failure because of their brutal surroundings. If Curly’s wife never intervened with Lennie after he killed the young pup, then she would not have ever died. Lennie was only driven by his basic urge to touch soft things. † Lennie’s big fingers fell to stroking her hair. â€Å"Don’t you mess it up,† she said.†Ã¢â‚¬ ( Steinbeck 91 ). Steinbeck really placed the characters with brutal settings among brutal characters. The setting of the book is highly realistic and greatly portrays what the time period truly represented. Steinbeck, once a migrant worker too, lived the experience of his literature. He knew exactly what the environment should be like too and what it shouldn’t. â€Å"Chapters one and six take place by the river, two and three in the bunkhouse, four and five in the barn.† All of these setting are settings you would not likely find through out our time period but in the life of a lonely migrant worker. It is quit creditable for Steinbeck to instinctively return to the earlier forms of literature of drama, epic and parable. His use of literary devices to describe his settings are remarkable. â€Å" A few miles south of Soledad the Salinas River drops in close to the hillside bank and runs deep and green.  The water is warm too, for it has slipped twinkling over the yellow sands in the sunlight before reaching the narrow pool.†(Steinbeck 1). Steinbeck is not making just plain ordinary descriptions of this scene-setting, but is revealing a sense of freedom and joy before tragedy and hate that’s burred farther along the book from the sordid aspects of life. Dealing with dirty aspects of life was all just another part of naturalism in Steinbeck’s scheme. He wanted the reader to greatly feel the depression and madness their society had to endure. He wanted the reader to end the book sick to the core from the gruesome dream that was crushed with just one accidental murder, and one gunshot to the head. â€Å"And George raised the gun and studied it, and he brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennie’s head. The hand shook violently, but his face set and his hand studied. He pulled the trigger.† (Steinbeck 106 ). This was already evident to some of the characters in the book. Crook’s for instance, foreshadowed what would happen later on to people with dreams. â€Å"†I never seen a guy really do it,† he said † I seen some guys nearly crazy with loneliness for land, but ever’ time a whore house or a blackjack game took what it takes.†Ã¢â‚¬ (76). This book really showed that fate is eminent and no matter how you try or what you do, something will always try to stand in your way. Naturalism is portrayed in the novel of Mice and Men through the author’s own sights and experiences. Just like his book, Steinbeck emulates his life experiences with highly realistic settings, and brutal characters with foul mouths that deal with depressing issues of life. Steinbeck truly pushed beyond the limits of standard writing, and showed us a side of good and evil like never before.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Tattooed Soldier Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Tattooed Soldier - Essay Example The story is based on two men who are haunted and the disastrous intersection of their lives. Antonio Bernal, who lives in San Cristobal Acatapan, is seen packing his worldly belongings in an untidy apartment full of blood, and this is after his wife and kid of two years old were killed by a death squad. This was the main reason that made him leave Guatemalan for the fear of being attacked. His mind is full of memories of that fateful day; his freaked flight; and the yellow tattooed killer that he managed to see. As he strolls, he joins the evicted community that comprised of individuals from every situation conflicting the tides of bad luck with scrapings of tins and cardboards and humor and friendship. The writer in his fiction debut brings the metropolitan landscape to persistent life on the page and reveals that the inner setting of his characters with stunning precision and immediacy (Tober, 1). This novel is a fascinating story of revenge set on the lowermost rung of Los Angeles social ladder, within the hardscrabble lives of the homeless and illegal immigrants. The tattooed killer known as Guillermo Longoria was the veteran of the death squad in Guatemalan that was aimed at driving out the contamination of socialism. Furthermore, as Antonio strolled he saw Longoria calmly eating a chocolate flavored ice cream in the city center at a place known as MacArthur and he was thrilled with the likelihood of revenging his loved ones. He even went to the extent of acquiring a gun so as to use it in his mission of revenge to the death of his wife and child. This was not his wish, but circumstances had started converting him to a retaliator. Accordingly, â€Å"During the day, soldiers dressed as civilians came to kidnap professors and students† (87). In addition, Longoria, who was a peasant farmer and involuntarily joined the army, nevertheless, in the end he developed to love the authority it gave him.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Smoking New Laws and how they changed america Research Paper

Smoking New Laws and how they changed america - Research Paper Example ........................VIII Third Hand Smoke†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..IX Why People Cannot Quit†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..X Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦XI Smoking I. The Twentieth Century’s Take On Smoking Despite all the research that has been done on smoking, millions of Americans still use this form of tobacco. In fact, 45.3 million adults, ages eighteen and over, still smoke in the United States. That is 19.3 percent of the ad ult population (Center for Disease Control, 2011). Tobacco use has been popular for many decades, but in the past, Americans did not know any better. This report will focus on the changes America has made with their smoking laws, and will show the differences it has made in the United States. II. Smoking Laws Today When smoking was first introduced, it became the way of life. Not only was it okay to smoke in your car, it was also allowed in restaurants, shopping malls, and hospitals. If you felt the need to smoke, you did not have to wait until you got outside and ten feet away from the entrance. Nowadays, though, it is against the law to smoke in most buildings and even numerous national parks. If you do smoke in your car, you might be frowned upon, especially if there are children present. Currently, twenty five states and Washington D.C. are completely smoke-free, which includes restaurants, bars, and parks (Center for Disease Control, 2011). III. Why There Are Smoking Laws The r eason there is such a push for smoke-free states is because of the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. Inhaling secondhand smoke is similar to smoking a cigarette, for it can cause just as many problems. Individuals can develop cancer and lung problems that tobacco causes without smoking one cigarette. Because this research was not available a few decades ago, smoking inside a building was not given a second thought. As research progressed, however, smoking laws started to take effect. Not soon enough, unfortunately, because many Americans have become the victims of secondhand smoke. When smoking laws were put into place, the smokers of America were enraged that public smoking was becoming taboo. While a few cigarette users understood the advantages, most felt like it was taking away their rights as Americans. All the complaining, though, did not stop the laws from progressing. According to the executive director of Americans for Nonsmoker’s Rights, Cynthia Hallett, â€Å"T hese smoke-free laws start at a local level. They are based on community demand, science looking at exposure to secondhand smoke and the environmental impact† (Ossad, 2011). Since secondhand smoke is believed to have caused over fifty thousand deaths in the United States, America’s people are standing up for their rights. IV. Smoking Banned Outside In Some States Smoking has also been banned outside in public properties in a few different states. New York City, for example, banned smoking at all parks and plaza’

Saturday, July 27, 2019

An investigation into how enterprise and entrepreneurship can be Dissertation - 1

An investigation into how enterprise and entrepreneurship can be embedded into art & design curriculum in Saudi Arabian universi - Dissertation Example This is furthered by understanding how the design is taught at KSA universities and how the formalities with the UK approach compare to KSA, specifically because of the foundational and cultural differences which are attributed to both. By examining these various objectives, there is the ability to build a deeper understanding of how entrepreneurship relates to design study and how it can be improved for new aspects in educational systems. The methodology that is based on primary sources with the questionnaire will be followed by secondary resources. The main focus will be to fill in any gaps that would question the relationship between entrepreneurship and the design studies which are currently being implemented. The secondary studies will examine a wide variety of areas, including journals and books for current theories with education. This will be furthered with looking into the trends and statistics through websites and newer publications, specifically to identify the trends and the government expectations. The changes which are currently being made are consistent with expectations that are related to the government policies in various regions of the world. Combining this as a main aspect of the study can then close the gaps with the questionnaire while developing a well – rounded approach to the study for a deeper understanding of the various issues that are surrounding entrepreneurship and design studies. Research Structure The research structure will consist of two questionnaires, one which is given to the students of KSA, DeMont University and Leicester University. The questionnaire for students will consist of 15 questions related to the design studies and to the entrepreneur designs. The students will be chosen at random after determining if they are design majors in their main area of study. There will be an average of 20 students chosen from each university, with 60 questionnaires that will be given to each of the universities. This will be d one to look at the diversity of opinions and samples and to look at the potential of entrepreneurial relationships when examining this from the perspective of design students. To proceed with this, the universities will be contacted in reference to the study. This will be followed with the random sample of students being gathered either from the university or by random sampling with data bases with the questionnaires following. The second component to the methodology will be based on questionnaires handed to the teachers of design studies in all three universities. This will also take place after retrieving permission from the universities in relation to the questionnaires. The questionnaires will be given to all instructors that are teaching in design studies, specifically because of the direct relationship to entrepreneurship and this form of study. It is expected that there will be an average of 10-20 questionnaires which are given to the teachers which have a relationship to thi s particular subject with their teaching styles. To carry out with this portion of the methodology, a consent form will be sent to chosen universities. If it is agreed that the study can include the universities, then the procedures will continue. If not, a substitute university will be found within the same region until consent is reached. The questionnaires which are analyzed will then move through an analysis and comparison of responses. Most questions will be formed with the ability to retrieve

Friday, July 26, 2019

What are the effects of using ICT and Media in the 'English Classroom' Essay

What are the effects of using ICT and Media in the 'English Classroom' - Essay Example In general, the learning and teaching behaviour between the students and the school teachers, is an important factor that contributes to the success of using computer-based technology in education (Karasavvidis et al., 2003). For this reason, the design of a virtual classroom for English language has to be easily accessible, reliable, user-friendly, and interactive. For this study, the types of ICT and other related media technology used in the English Classroom settings has to be identified first. Eventually, the researcher will conduct a literature review about the positive and negative effects of using the ICT and other forms of media in the English classroom. In the process of going through the main discussion, several issues and problems associated with the use of ICT and other media technology will be identified followed by discussion of the impact of using these technologies on the teaching and learning process of the English language. Based on the gathered peer-reviewed journals, improvements on the students’ academic performance concerning the use of each type of media technology will be tackled in detail. With regards to the school improvements, some of the existing teaching and learning theories will be applied to the practice of using ICT and other forms of media technology. Under the supervision of the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (BECTa), UK government is strongly committed in supporting the use of ICT within the classroom settings (Becta, 2009). Similar to the personal opinions of the secondary school teachers (Clarke, 2003: p. 3), the UK government also finds the promotion of using ICT as one of the best way to improve and strengthen the learning experience of the students. As a result of the rapid development in the use of ICT and media technology, educational settings like the English classroom has been using digital technology in order to support the learning

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Situational Analysis and Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Situational Analysis and Discussion - Essay Example Firstly, with regards to the company culture that was evidenced, the shareholder could have expressed a greater degree of tact and appreciation for the means by which Mr Majid understood his role within the organization and carefully guarded over any and all sectors he had purview over (Meyer 1998). Although Mr Majid’s response to the new employee’s job function and tactics was overstated and outright narrow-minded, the fact of the matter was that Mr Majid was still a more senior shareholder at the firm and as such commanded a modicum of deference with regards to the means by which the new employee sought to present the changes he had been tasked with to him. Secondly, and perhaps just as important, the student could have utilized the data in a more effective manner. As a function of the study that was being undertaken and the level of valuable customer service data that was being gleaned by the student and his six employees, management could have been effectively brief ed with this information and possibly convinced of its overall importance with respect to increasing profitability within the firm. Instead, the shareholder became somewhat, reasonably, combative with regards to the way in which Mr Majid felt regarding the ongoing efforts in which the student was engaged. Instead, the situation rapidly escalated with Mr Masjid coming to the conclusion that the student was of little value in his current role and the student coming to the conclusion that Mr Masjid, although having worked at the firm for a number of years... Masjid, although having worked at the firm for a number of years understood little with regards to how proper management should be effected. Finally, the reader can come away with an understanding of how proper protocol was followed on the part of the student with relation to how he ultimately went to the Human Resources director as a means of seeking to mediate the ongoing dispute between himself and Mr. Masjid. Although it is tempting in many situations to escalate on one’s own terms, knowing when to turn aside and seek to expert counsel of a third party that can hope to mediate the crisis is an invaluable skill that usually takes people many years to develop. However, as the case proved, once the initial run-in with Mr. Masjid occurred, the student was quick to seek out the expert guidance and counsel of the Human Resources director in an effort to ameliorate the situation (Sharpe, 2012). Consulting Questions and Recommendations: In order to provide some useful prioritizati ons to the student with regards to what a good course of action could have been to pursue within the given situation which has been defined, it is the belief of this reviewer that such a level of recommended actions can be summed up in the following: providing metricized understandings of the scope and benefits of the project to Mr. Masjid and fellow management rather than coming to a disagreement over the value of the work performed, the shareholder could have integrated with Mr. Masjid in a more respectful manner, and/or the shareholder could have sought to make it apparent that he was operating on the express wishes of the manager that had gone on vacation. Although the situation may not have turned

Media in a Democratic Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Media in a Democratic Society - Essay Example For the people of a particular state, to participate in a democratic society, they need exchange of ideas and a better communication system. This system is known as "media". Media is tool of communication which includes people in an organization that sustain the distribution and production of messages to the public. Media falls into categories such as TV, movie, internet, books and newspapers. Freedom of speech is the main part of a democratic society. With a past shortage of media space and a huge amount of voices in our society directed to a lack of opportunity given to people who become a part of the media. People involved in media are believed to represent the society such as telling the public about the elected officials that will represent their roles. Though, it is more useful to represent organizations and communities rather than representing individuals. People involved in media are responsible to protect the public it represents. Continuous support of public and look to the media as an organization, the media should represent individual's welfare and inform them of issues regarding to the public itself. The knowledge, shared in our society is about both education and media. The role of media is to inform people about current issues same as like school's that are responsible to teach skills and long lasting knowledge. 3) Facilitating the Social UnityIn a large and complex society, media assist to distribute the culture by giving an experience of mass population. If a society wants to stay unified than the people init should have a familiar culture. The more people will feel anything alike in them, the greater the bond of the individuals will have to one another. Like this, however, there is a greater opportunity to make decisions for the similar purpose.The question arises that how media can perform such roles To perform the roles mentioned above, media should maintain particular standards. There are a lot of ways to sustain such standards. For example, according to the theory by a German scholar namely Jurgen Habermas, our society is divided into different cultures, aims and backgrounds. To represent these groups, media requires to present dissimilar perceptions. The best way to achieve such a perception is that the members from all backgrounds or groups should have an entry to contribute in medi a. The media is only valuable when it communicates to the public. There must be a universal access to media response. Financial, personal, social or any other factor should not present obstacles to media response. (1) However, independent media are fundamental components of a large and complex democratic society. It helps to check the balance that differentiates in such societies. If we look at corruption, it weakens a strong government. A lot of politicians are forced to resign due to corruption but at the same moment, media publishes the information that reaches to the ordinary public. For example, in 1974, President Richard Nixon was forced to resign due to the Watergate scandal. He was caught up by two journalists at Washington Post. Journalists can also

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Personal statement - Essay Example The future belongs to mobile devices and wireless network technologies, the earlier we equip ourselves for future, the better. My experience so far has taught me that everything is interconnected; there is no more the time of specialization. What I mean from this argument is that Steve Jobs studied calligraphy when he had no idea that he would be using his calligraphy in programming languages, there was something about the mathematics and the geometry of it that helped Jobs incorporate it in his computer topology and he admits that without that necessary knowledge he would not have been able to write operating systems in his own company NeXT. I have always been curious about how to relate operating systems (the software) with the hardware, there is something that captivates me how the software, an intangible thing, can run a hardware, much like the soul operating the human body. Learning should be easy when taught in a meaningful and productive way, plus when there are aspirations and expectations after the study program that one will be able to pursue his or her life passion without worrying about finances; this is nothing short of a blessing. I want to build a career in Networking and want to become a part of a well-known tech company like Google, Apple or Xbox. And for that I need my subjects carefully added to my curriculum vita so that my portfolio becomes hard to ignore for these companies. I have chosen this subject because at Birmingham City University, embedded systems and well equipped laboratories are used to create real-time systems, this includes specialist hardware training. It is required that development software and programmes should be updated, because each day the tech industry is becoming more and more competitive. Industry-standard software development and simulation tools are necessary for this type of knowledge, old programming knowledge is no good and when one desires a job in popular software companies then one needs to be on top

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Comparison or contrast of East-West philsophical thought Essay

Comparison or contrast of East-West philsophical thought - Essay Example The wider areas surrounding India, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and the Arabic countries are taken as representing Eastern thought. Western thought is taken as mainly stemming from Europe, and North America, with some concession for Christianity, as it originated in the Middle East, rather than in Europe or North America. Additionally, while Christianity is considered the major Western religion, some consideration is also given to Greek and Roman philosophical thought, modern scientific though and rationalism. In terms of the philosophical thought considered in this essay as eastern, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, forms of Yoga, and Islam were considered. For many years, within the fields of academia and scholarship, Syed Farid Atlas (2002) argues that Eurocentrism â€Å"†¦values, attitudes, ideas and ideological orientations that are informed by European uniqueness and superiority.† (as cited in Yoshitaka, 2010) dominated much discourse. This has perhaps been to the detriment of philosophical thought as a whole. There are certainly positive aspects to the philosophical thinking of the east and the west with value. Neither should be dominant. In the west, it is accepted and encouraged that the individual will succeed on his/her own. Personal achievement is valued, and to achieve the individual should be independent of others, even independent of the environment. In contrast, eastern societies are structured around the collective. The family and the community or society are considered important, sometimes more so than the individual. The interdependence of people, and their environment, and even the universe at large is always acknowledged and accepted. This means that philosophical thinking, presented in explanation of human existence and purpose, differs widely in the east and west. While in the east, Truth is accepted as universal, independent of the individual, it is a proven, scientifically tested

Monday, July 22, 2019

Hitler and Mussolini Essay Example for Free

Hitler and Mussolini Essay Benito Mussolini during his rule from 1922 to 1943 faced many domestic problems within Italy that he had to deal with. Mainly the internal problems had to do with economic policies and struggle, which Mussolini attempted to deal with through his autarky policy. He also had to deal with political problems, which were derived from the interference of the church. Finally Mussolini also had to contend with social problems such as unification, and increase of popularity. Through his rule Mussolini had to deal with economic, social and political problems, however he was to a great extent not successful in dealing with these problems. One of Mussolinis greatest internal problems was his economic problem. Mussolini wanted to make Italy a great economy, one that could compete with the great economies of World War I such as Britain and France. In order to this Mussolini wanted an autarky, which was economic self-sufficiency in food and raw materials. He wanted Italy through autarky to become a powerful and large empire. In order to achieve this Mussolini instigated what historians such as MacDonald refer to as a series of battles. These battles were a struggle for the economy that Mussolini envisioned. A series of four battles were fought however only one can be regarded as a partial success while the other three were seen by most historians as failed attempts. The first battle was known as the Battle for Grain, which was to a great extent a failure. This battle started in 1925 because there was a poor harvest that year, and the grain for the most part was being imported. In order to become a self-sufficient economy Mussolini wanted Italy to be able to produce the grain on its own. By the 1930s Italy was able to become a self-sufficient grain growing economy by controlling imports and increasing the production of cereal crops. However despite being able to achieve grain production, Italy as a whole suffered due to this battle. By encouraging the production of grain, farmers had to stop growing fruits and vegetables, which were cheaper to produce. Therefore exports of fruits and vegetables also decreased, which caused the economy to become weaker because revenue from exports decreased. Also due to an emphasis on making grain the use of sheeps and cattle decreased, causing the decline of these animals. It also caused the country to go into debt since the government had to give subsidies to farmers and there were huge tariffs associated with the production of grain. Also the price of grain in Italy rose causing the price of bread to increase. This affected the working class and poor since the core of their diet was made up of bread. The masses of Italy suffered especially the poor and the farmers, although the industrialists did not suffer as much. Since grain production increased the demand for fertilizers and tractors increased, which increased the business of the industrialists. However the industrialists are a smaller proportion of the population of Italy than the masses, therefore to the most part the Battle for Grain was a failure. The second battle was the Battle for Lira whose main aim was to reinstate the purchasing power of the currency. Sine Mussolini wanted a powerful Italy; he thought that the weak currency added to weakness of the economy. Therefore in 1926, Mussolini revalued the Lira so that one pound was 90 liras. This battle also proved to be a failure since the price of exports increased. Due to this unemployment increased and firms and industries were not able to sell their goods as efficiently. This also caused the aim to increase economic influence to decrease since it had a negative effect of exports and unemployment. The Battle for Land was the third battle fought in order to increase economic power. This battle had mixed responses and could be seen as a success and failure. The Battle for Land attempted to control the migration to cities from the countrysides, which helped control unemployment. The Battle for Land was a success because of the Pointe Marshe in 1935 which served as good propaganda, helped decrease unemployment and also allowed for the control of subsidies to farmers. Pointe Marshe provided small farms and also increased public work, which called for employment. However it was also known as a failure because small plots of land were inefficiently utilized for a lot of wheat production. Also it did not help decrease the poverty of poor people. The economic problems in Italy that Mussolini tried to deal with through autarky were mainly a failure due to the failures of the battles. Another internal problem that Mussolini had to deal with was political problems. Mussolini wanted to obtain totalitarianism, however in order to this Mussolini had to deal with the Roman Catholic Church. This to an extent was a success, however tension between the Church and the state was never completely eradicated. In order to make relations with the Church better Mussolini allowed religious studies in education and also allowed the crucifix to be displayed in courts and classrooms. Also in order to gain support from the Church Mussolini had his children baptized and also had a church wedding in 1925 in order too show that he believed in the Church. The Church also accepted Mussolinis policy on abortions and contraception, in order to increase population. Mussolini also officially ended the tension by forming the Latern Pacts, which made the Vatican state independent, made Catholism the official religion of the state and also made education of cat holism mandatory in schools. This pact decreased tension between the church and Mussolini and allowed Mussolini to gain more power of the state. However despite the pact and decreased tension, conflict always remained between the Church and Mussolinis state. Mussolinis continued interference in catholic education in schools continued to be a problem between the church and the state and the Pope threatened to censure fascism. Another conflict between the state and the Church was relations with Nazi Germany in 1938, having to do with the views on anti-Semitism. The continued tension with the Church never allowed Mussolini to have full control over Italy, which added to his internal problems. The last internal problem that Italy had to deal with was social problems. Mussolini attempted to unify Italy and increase his popularity through propaganda since he did not have full control and poulatiry over the Italian people. Mussolini was most successful in dealing with social problems through Linquadramento and the idea of a corporative state. Linqadramento was an illusion that Mussolini created in order to unify Italy. Through this movement Mussolini increased their popularity and membership by providing support and financial aid during after the Depression from 1931 to 1937. This recovery from the deep depression of the postwar was remarkable and greatly aided the Fascists in winning favor and in establishing power., was the view of historian Clough. They also increased employment by inflicting a forty-hour workweek and allowing family compensations. These helpful acts during the Depression helped Mussolini gain support from more people, and allowed him to control more of the state. Also schemes such as the Pointe Marshe helped increase employment, which also helped Mussolini, gain support. Mussolini used propaganda through a policy called Corporative state, which also helped him gain support. The Corporative state advertised a state where there was no class system and all labors worked together. It also strived to make working conditions better and sought to help all laborers when they were in trouble by allowing them to share their concerns with their employers representatives who then shared them with Mussolini.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Swot Analysis Is Use For Strategic Planning Marketing Essay

Swot Analysis Is Use For Strategic Planning Marketing Essay Introduction In a business world the strategic planning is necessary for running organisation successfully and meet their objective as well. The strategic planning is done in numerous way, all are beneficial for the business. For this such an analysis is need to done in organisation such as, SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, etc. Such an analysis is done within the organisation and some of the analysis is done in outside of the organisation. As in SWOT analysis the strengths and weakness is the analysis which made inside in organisation and opportunities and threats are the analysis of outside the organisation. In this report major part is shown on SWOT analysis. The company is taken as example is General Electric. This report shows the SWOT analysis performance on General Electric. The advantages and limitation of General Electric during SWOT analysis is also shown in this report. SWOT Analysis In the business and organisation for all sorts of situations the SWOT analysis is the useful tool as an unusually for caring and administrative. SWOT is a short form for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. A good framework is provided by the headings of SWOT analysis for re-evaluate direction, position and strategy of a business or industry plan, or any other idea. It is so simple to complete a SWOT analysis, and for the workshop sitting it is an excellent subject. This SWOT analysis is also works well in brainstorming convention. SWOT analysis is use for strategic planning, marketing, competitor evaluation, business planning, product development and research and business reports. The SWOT analysis is also use as games of team building exercises. A SWOT analysis measures a business unit, a proposition or idea. A SWOT analysis is a subjective assessment of data which are organized by the SWOT format into a logical order that helps understanding, presentation, discussion and decision-making. The four dimensions are useful extension of a basic two heading list of pros and cons. SWOT analysis can be used for all sorts of decision-making, and the SWOT template enables proactive thinking, rather than relying on habitual or instinctive reactions. The SWOT analysis template is normally presented as a grid, comprising four sections, one for each of the SWOT headings: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The free SWOT template below includes sample questions, whose answers are inserted into the relevant section of the SWOT grid. The questions are examples, or discussion points, and obviously can be altered depending on the subject of the SWOT analysis. Note that many of the SWOT questions are also talking points for other headings use them as you find most helpful, and make up your own to suit the issue being analysed. It is important to identify clearly the subject of a SWOT analysis, because a SWOT analysis is a perspective of one thing, be it a company, a product, a proposition, and idea, a method, or option, etc. SWOT issues into actions under the six categories Albert Humphrey advocated that the six categories: Product (what are we selling?) Process (how are we selling it?) Customer (to whom are we selling it?) Distribution (how does it reach them?) Finance (what are the prices, costs and investments?) Administration (and how do we manage all this?) Provide a framework by which SWOT issues can be developed into actions and managed using teams. This can be something of a leap, and so the stage warrants further explanation. Translating the SWOT issues into actions, are best sorted into (or if necessary broken down into) the six categories, because in the context of the way that business and organisations work, this makes them more quantifiable and measurable, responsible teams more accountable, and therefore the activities more manageable. The other pivotal part in the process is of course achieving the commitment from the team(s) involved, which is partly explained in the item summarising Humphreys TAM ® model and process. As far as identifying actions from SWOT issues is concerned, it all very much depends on your reasons and aims for using SWOT, and also your authority/ability to manage others, whom by implication of SWOTs breadth and depth, is likely to be involved in the agreement and delivery of actions. Depending on pretext and situation, a SWOT analysis can produce issues which very readily translate into (one of the six) category actions, or a SWOT analysis can produce issues which overlay a number of categories or a mixture. Whatever, SWOT essentially tells you what is good and bad about a business or a particular proposition. If its a business, and the aim is to improve it, then work on translating: Strength (maintains, build and leverage), Opportunities (Prioritise and optimise), Weakness (remedy or exit), Threats (counter) Into actions (each within one of the six categories) that can be agreed and owned by a team or number of teams. If the SWOT analysis is being used to assess a proposition, then it could be that the analysis shows that the proposition is too weak (especially if compared with other SWOTs for alternative propositions) to warrant further investment, in which case further action planning, other than exit, is not required. This is my understanding of Albert Humphreys theory relating to developing SWOT issues into organisational change actions and accountabilities. (Im pleased to say that Albert kindly confirmed that this is indeed correct.) There are other ways of applying SWOT of course, depending on your circumstances and aims, for instance if concentrating on a department rather than a whole business, then it could make sense to revise the six categories to reflect the functional parts of the department, or whatever will enable the issues to be translatable into manageable, accountable and owned aims. Simple framework of SWOT analysis is a generating strategic alternative from a situation analysis. This analysis is either applicable to the business unit level or corporate level and in marketing plans it appears frequently. The Council of General Electric Growth used this analysis form because it concentrate on the issue that potentially have the most collision, when there is a limited time amount is available for addressing a complex strategic situation the SWOT analysis is useful. The diagram of SWOT analysis and how it fits into situation of strategic analysis is shown below. Situation Analysis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     / Internal Analysis  Ã‚  Ã‚   /   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Strengths  Ã‚  Ã‚  Weaknesses  Ã‚  Ã‚   The large amount of information can produced by the internal and external situation analysis, among them may not be highly relevant. To reduce the information to a convenient amount of key issue the analysis of SWOT can serve as an interpretative filter. The SWOT analysis classifies the internal aspects of the company as strengths or weaknesses and the external situational factors as opportunities or threats. Strengths can serve as a foundation for building a competitive advantage, and weaknesses may hinder it. By understanding these four aspects of its situation, a firm can better leverage its strengths, correct its weaknesses, capitalize on golden opportunities, and deter potentially devastating threats. General Electric (GE) is a manufacturing company functioning in a range of section. For use in wind turbines, aircraft, water systems, natural gas and oil compressors and more, its infrastructure section produces jet engines and related parts. To end users it is various financial services is offered by the Commercial Finance segment. Financial services to the retailers and consumers are provided by the GE Money section. Equipment which use in medical field is manufactured by the Healthcare section and the television network services is provided by its NBC Universal section. The Industrial section offers lamps, commercial lighting systems, home appliances, motor and control systems and many others. Internal Analysis For internal analysis we can say that it is a complete assessment of the internal environments prospective weaknesses and strengths. Across the organisation it should be appraising such factors in areas such as: Company image Organisational structure Key staff Brand awareness Access to natural resources Company culture Operational capacity Exclusive contracts Operational efficiency Financial resources Position on the experience curve Patents and trade secrets Market share As a list of weakness and strengths it is review the inner factors by the SWOT analysis. External Analysis To make better profits it is the ability to set up service or a new product which this is known as an opportunity. When changes happen in the external environment then opportunities can occur. These numerous changes can be apparent as threats to the market position of running goods and may require a change in creation provision or the expansion of new goods in order for the firm to stay competitive. The external environment changes may be associated to: Competitors Customers Suppliers Market trends Partners As a list of threats and opportunities the external factors of environmental is analysed and summarized by SWOT analysis. Strengths The positive essentials of an organisation or business are their strengths, it is in under their control and they do something well. The strengths are valued to the business or a group, and it can give the edge over the competitors in some areas. The main strengths of GE is outline below. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The major plus point of General Electric is having alliances with other strong and popular businesses. It helps GE to get in new customers and make company further successful. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The key to their success for General Electric is to being as a market leader, is as it improve status, market share and earnings. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ General Electric provide and offered original and good products and services, to obtain them General Electrical make most people return to them. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The main key of General Electric is their most experienced employees which help GE to drive them forward with capability and knowledge. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The other strength of General Electric is its high class machinery, well known staff, good infrastructure offices and equipment. It ensures the job is done to the greatest standard. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Regarding profit and sales the General Electric major strength is its wide customer base. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The reputation of General Electric is powerfully popular, which means people believe in it and it is viewed with the respect. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ General Electric being strong as financial, this helps them to deal and solve any problems which arise. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ General Electrics essential strength is its strong brand as it is appreciated and accepted. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ General Electric has the market share with high percentage, which means GE is to the lead of numerous competitors. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To ensure that the customers be returns, General Electric have high quality services and/or products as a fundamental strength. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ International operations of GE signify customers base wider, a stronger brand and a greater large piece of the international market. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ General Electrics innovation and development are high with observe to their services and/or products. It is the strength of its overall performance. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ General Electric has a high and strong market position. This is the major strength in this type of industrial area as they are in front of numerous rivals. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ GE is in front of numerous competitors as their online presence is strong. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ GEs Research and development department is strong. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Number of business acquired by GE. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ GEs profits and revenues are high. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Its culture and organisational structure is strong. Weaknesses Under their control as organisation or business, their weaknesses are the things which need to be performed better or to be improved. Weaknesses makes the company in behind with the competitors or may be it stop company to meet their objectives. In this section it is shown the weakness which present in General Electric à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The performance of General Electric is not mark able in Asian market. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ General Electrical is did not keep and not meet with demand because they have a stock problem. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Due to the financial recession the stock prices is low. Opportunities Opportunities are the external changes which trends or needs that could improve the company or organisations tactical place, or which could be of a gain to them. The opportunities of the General Electric are shown below. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ As in the form of training, allowances, grants etc. as governmental support General Electric could benefit from it. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ An opportunity of technological changes gives the General Electric to strengthen their future achievement. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It is used to acquire new resources, enter in new market and new customers as the merger and takeover opportunities could be discover for General Electric à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Towards the corporate social responsibility GE should have to focus more. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To maintain their position in the market research and development is done. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To improve cash flows they have opportunity to merge and joint venture in Asian market. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ They have the opportunity of look at natural resources to meet their high demands. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It is positive sign for the General Electric as growth in aviation industry. Threats The factor which place areas of the organisation or company risky or may contain damage is called as threats. These factors are outside of the companys control. The main threats of the General Electric are outline below. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It require spent the money on regulations or taken the measure which could put pressure on General Electric as financial or other. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It is to be a threat or risk for General Electric as entering of the new competitors in the market and extra competition. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Price cuts could reduce the profits for General Electric as the price wars between competitors. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ As fluctuation of currency it may impact on the revenues as General electric is operating in many countries. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ As the other business the same threats of GE is recession. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The biggest threat of the General Electric is the regulation of government because in all over the world GE is the fourth major manufacturer of pollution. Analysis and Benefits of SWOT Analysis It is well-known that General Electric has several strengths that effort to its gain by striking efficiency.   Its worldwide appreciation, competitiveness and strengths put General Electrical at a constructive situation as compared to other businesses in the similar sector.   To manage the expensive business the use of company units for organisation presents an successful way. The option of irresistible senior management through work is not only reduces but it also promotes production rooted in liability accepted from the company division managers.   It extremely contributes to effectiveness while there are many activities undertaken by company.   This is improved with the acquisitions and mergers that have spread the companys manufactured goods range and in sequence foremost to development on returns gain. However the opportunities and strengths have not arrived without constraints.   Different weakness and threats intimidate the concert of the business by presenting constraints on the organisations management.   High levels of rivalry, threat of information loss and financial crises are a threat to the companys endurance.   Weaknesses within the business counting the deprived efficiency of the power division and suppleness threat could collision unhelpfully on the business. The corporation could use the opportunities and strengths to moderate them, in order to decrease the collision of threats and weaknesses.    Multiple Perspectives Needed The quality of the analysis is affected by the method which is used to obtain the inputs to the SWOT matrix. During a speedy discussion with the CEO if the information is obtain hurriedly, although CEO may have a broad view of the corporation and business, the information would signify a single point of view. The excellence of the examination will be better significantly if interview are held with a range of stakeholders such as suppliers, employees, strategic partners, customers, etc. SWOT Analysis Limitations While valuable for sinking a huge amount of situational factors into an additional convenient summary, the SWOT structure has a inclination to generalize the condition by classifying the firms environmental factors into categories in which they may not always fit. The classification of some factors as strengths or weaknesses, or as opportunities or threats is somewhat random. For example, a particular company culture can be either strength or a weakness. A technological change can be a either a threat or an opportunity. Perhaps what are more significant than the external classification of these factors are the firms consciousness of them and its growth of a strategic plan to use them to its benefit. Conclusion As the SWOT analysis issues is sorting into the six planning category these cans get a scheme which present a sensible way of assimilating the internal and external information about the business unit, delineating short and long term priorities, and allowing an easy way to build the management team these cans achieve the objectives of profit growth. This comes within reach of captures the collective agreement and pledge of those who will ultimately have to do the work of meeting or exceeding the objectives finally set. It permits the team leader to define and develop co-ordinated, goal-directed actions, which underpin the overall agreed objectives between levels of the business hierarchy. GE recognizes that part of being successful and well-respected is being socially responsible as well Has huge potential to remain successful without any major threats from competitors Staying Power Will only continue to expand

Smoking, diabetes and alcohol in the Maori culture

Smoking, diabetes and alcohol in the Maori culture Task 1 Introduction The region that I have chosen to study is Auckland Region and my research of Hauora Maori trends and contemporary issue are smoking, diabetes and alcohol which extract from housing, education, employment, lifestyle and health statistics. Te Whare Tapa Wha is a traditional approach to Hauora base on Whanau, Tinana, Wairua and Hinengaro to understand Maori health with a strong foundation of Maori well-being. The areas that I have written about are Literature Review for collating, analyzing and presenting in finding on this research. Maori patients receiving a lower standard care than non-Maori from primary and secondary health care providers. It was some non-consistent results relationships between suppliers and patients. Explain the research methodology Smoking: the researcher used qualitative research with 60 pregnant Maori women in the womens 17-43 ages. The questionnaire was used to guide the interview. Responses were categorized using Te Whare Tapa Wha (the four-sided house), an indigenous theoretical framework. Diabetes: the researcher used quantitative and statistical analysis to compare different ethic group of health and care status that attending general practices with diabetes. Obesity: the researcher used statistical analysis which collected data from children in 60 countries, suggested that childhood obesity in New Zealand is increasing at one of the greatest rate in the world (Wang Lobstein 2006). Similar results can be seen among adult in New Zealand which indicated that 26.5 percent of adult were obese (Ministry of Health, 2008). Describe the research methodology Literature Review Obstract Smoking, diabetes and obesity are still the most prevalent for Maori than any other ethnic group in New Zealand.Maori women are particularly high smoking rates. In 1996, the proportion of Maori women who smoked who smoked one or more cigarettes per day was more than twice than non-Maori women. Thirty-nine percent of Maori women smoke during pregnancy. On the other hand, diabetes is also the high risk health issue among Maori in New Zealand. In addition, obesity among children and adult Maori is also high compare to non-Maori. 1. Smoking (Why Maori women continue to smoke while pregnant?) Smoking is the biggest killer of Maori. Not only did the tobacco smoking accounts in 1989-1993, one-third of Maori deaths from smoking-related diseases plaguing the concept of Maori. It was nearly 60 per cent of Maori that smoked in 1976 and dropped to 50 per cent in 1991 but it hasn’t changed much since then. New Zealand health promotion and promotion education tried to reduce Maori smoking but it was not success in the last fifteen years. Unchanged Maori smoking prevalence showed low activity between either quit or quit Maori success rate. By the 1976, Maori women between aged of 20 to 24 had the highest smoking rate at 69 per cent and it was increased to 70 per cent in 1981. Up to two-thirds of pregnant Maori women smoke. Sudden infant death syndrome, asthma, glue ear, lung infection rate, rheumatic fever is common among Maori children. Education: There are poor understanding of the risks associated with smoking during pregnancy. Life Style: They lived in the smoky environment or with a partner who smoked. Some they used smoking as a method to release their stress. 2. Diabetes (between Maori and non-Maori) Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness, kidney failure and lower extremity amputation. It is also major risk factor for nerve damage, stroke, heart attack, heart failure and early death. The Ministry of Health estimates that 210 million people will be affected by diabetes through 2012. Certain ethnic groups (especially Maori, Pacific Islanders and South Asia), since 1996 in diabetes and high-risk data suggested that the incidence of diabetes in Maori and Pacific peoples are more than three times higher interest rates than in Europe, and the Maori and Pacific peoples are more than five times the likelihood of diabetes 2 is dead. Lifestyle: Most of people are lack of exercise and had unhealthy diet plan option with including of high fat food that can cause them to become overweight and it can also cause other health condition. 3. Obesity (Among children and adult Maori) Obesity is one of the major health issues in New Zealand in recent year which affected in every age and ethic group. While population studies have shed much light on obesity and its growing prevalence, it is important to interpret finding with caution, especially in regard to Maori health. In the 2008 report shown that adult Maori had the highest rate of obesity than non-Maori. 41.7 per cent of adult Maori were obese compare to 24.3 percent in European (Ministry of Health, 2008). Thus, considering the importance of overall wellbeing to Maori, as expressed by contemporary Maori health models, both the prevention and reduction of obesity among Maori would go a long way to achieving Maori health aspirations and advancing Maori lifestyles. Employment: Maori do not have much chance to find a job because they have a low degree or qualification because they left school early. Statistics show that Maori have the highest rate of unemployment in New Zealand. Lifestyle: Because of unemployment, they do not have enough money to buy or provide nutrition food for themselves or their children and also nowadays, there are a lot of fast food shops everywhere and it is cheap so it is easy for them to buy without cooking. Task 2 The Research Finding 1. Smoking One of the most disadvantaged groups in New Zealand society is Maori women as they have the highest prevalence of smoking. The investigation has been shown that Maori women smoke at the age of 15-24 years old up to nearly 61%; aged 25-29 years in 39%, while 57% of 30-39-year-old. In 2007, the first registration of midwives, 19% of pregnant women were smoking in New Zealand and it declined slightly to 15%, when discharged from nursing midwives still smoking. Maori women are much higher prevalence with smoking at the first registration with midwife at 43% and there is 34% still smoking at discharge. Smoking during pregnancy can cause a problem of miscarriage and difficulties during childbirth. Women who continue to smoke during pregnancy may be living in a household with other smokers, partners, family and friends who smoke. In addition, qualitative study found that addiction, habit and stress are the reason pregnant women continue to smoke. It is a very challenging to reduce smoking a mong pregnant women in New Zealand and international as it is a priority over a decade. The reseachers found out that 88% of 60 pregnant Maori participation had a partner and the average aged was 26. 23% of participants did not have a degree, only 38% had some employment. More than half of the participants (68%) live in urban areas. Almost the same numbers of participants were in to the second (43%) or third (40%) trimester of their pregnancy and 38% were having their first baby. They smoked around 9 cigarattes per day and within 5 minute for their first cigaratted after woke up (Table 1). There were also some reasons that they smoked such as habit, stress, addiction etc (Table 2). Moreover, social and work environment were also a factor that related to their smoking because they lived with their family or partner who are smoking. When they were at workplace, they smoked with their colleagues or other people and it was easy to smoke at work because they just went out whenever they want (Table 3). 2. Diabetes No other disease is a significant health inequalities more apparent than when we look at diabetes. Diabetes is nearly three times more common in Maori than non-Maori. Due to diabetes, Maori in the 45-64 age group have a death rate 9 times higher than non-Maori. Maori are diagnosed younger, more likely to develop complications of diabetes, such as eye disease, kidney failure, stroke and heart disease. Type 2 diabetes is expected to increase significantly over the next 20 years (along with pre-diabetes, insulin resistance and obesity) and the biggest impact is on Maori, Pacific people, and those living in poor areas. Type 2 diabetes, including prevalence, age of onset, mortality and hospitalization rates ethic inequality : Maori in the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, the estimated average age was 47.8 years old in 1996, six years younger than New Zealand European (54.2 years) (Ministry of Health 2002). In 2002/03, ther self-reported prevalence of diabetes was 2.5 times higher among Maori than non-Maori (Ministry of Health 2006). The estimated lifetime risk of being diagnosed with diabetes for MÄ ori in 1996 was more than double that for New Zealand Europeans (Ministry of Health 2002). The death rates in type 2 diabetes for non-Maori are 7 times lower than Maori. The different in death rate is higher in the aged 45 to 64, where Maori women with type 2 diabetes die 13 times than non-Maori women and 10 times for maori men compare to non-Maori men. Due to type 2 diabetes, the risk for hospitalisation of Maori is 4 times higher than non-Maori. 3. Obesity Rate of obesity and obesity-related illness, are associated with socioeconomic status, with the greatest rate among the least deprived classes (Drewnowski Specter, 2004). This finding has major implications for Maori who are proportionately over represented in the more deprived quintile, having an annual income approximately 20 per cent lower than Europeans in New Zealand (Statistics New Zealand, 2006). What’s more, the 2006/07 NZHS showed that the time children spent watching television, as well as their â€Å"fizzy drink† and â€Å"fast food† consumption, were higher in areas of high neighbourhood deprivation than in areas of low deprivation (Ministry of Health, 2008). Likewise, these three measures were higher within Maori children compared with the general population (Ministry of Health, 2008). Obesity is detrimental to the health and function of many systems of the body including digestion, the immune system, respiration and pulmonary function, reproductive health, bones and joints, and even the health of skin. Hospitalisation and mortality from heart failure is much higher for Maori than non-Maori in New Zealand. The link between obesity and CVD is multifaceted, affecting blood pressure, altering blood lipid profile, and increasing cardiac expenditure in order to compensate for increased circulation requirements in the obese. The relationship between obesity and the health disorder identified hightlights the importance of reducing and preventing obesity among Maori, to reduce health inequalities in New Zealand as well as lengthen and improve quality of life in Maori. Task 3 Present research finding and explain a present day health priority for Maori 1. Smoking The reasearch has been shown that the full range of ill-effects of smoking in pregnancy Maori knowledge is limited and not many of them know about the quitline. Even they received a support from their whanau but in fact that their whanau also smoked. Strategies were being used to inform Maori about effective or risks associated with smoking during pregnancy, and it seemed not effectively reach Maori women. One of the current risk program is that it waits for pregnant Maori women come in contact with the health system. This may mean that some women do not get support to quit until late in pregnancy. New Zealand has been focusing on tobacco control on young Maori women, in particular, not to smoke and not to develop a regular habit of smoking. In order to prevent on smoking, New Zealand had a restrictions on smoking legislation in shared office, shops and food preparation areas, public places of public transportation and dining, a ban on tobacco advertising and sponsorship of sports, o r a gift to under l8s, sports sponsorship smoking. The promotion of smoke-free pregnancy, smoking cessation assistance needs to be extended to the whole whanau. Impact of maternal smoking on pregnant women around education can help communities. 2. Diabetes Type 2 diabetes is not a sudden illness. The disease reflects the complexity and interaction of our bodies and our environment, including the social determinants of health, low socioeconomic status, and racism-related stress and the incidence of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is one of many factors contributing to low Maori health status. A strategy for reducing the impact of diabetes on Maori must be set with in the context of making general improvments in Maori health status. It has been well defined and incorporates a number of principles including the Treaty of Waitangi, Ottawa Charter and Te Whare Tapa Wha. The treaty recognises that Maori need to receive effective health care services that reflect the needs and world view of Maori. The development of Maori communities and infrastructures that are consistent with Maori values and provide a positive healthy lifestyle is accepted as central to improving Maori health status. A guiding priciple is that services need to be developed by Ma ori with Maori for Maori. Diabetes services need to be developed as part of an integrated health care service. NgÄ tiPorou Hauora (NPH) on the east coast is implementing a program called NgÄ ti and Health, is characterized by promoting healthy eating and regular exercise lifestyle to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes (Tipene-Leach et al 2004; NgÄ ti Porou Hauora 2007). The programme also aims to improve the conditions of diabetes and pre-diabetes awareness in those who are at high risk of developing diabetes and communities. In order to improve diabetes care for Maori is to ensure early detection and primary prevention of diabetes. Secondly, regional and local services can provide access to their services and quality problems, develop strategies to improve service delivery, and monitor the effectiveness of these changes. 3. Obesity In all aspect of health, research is relatively limited in Maori when compared with European/Caucasian groups. Although this could be looked on as obstructive to achieving successful outcomes for Maori, the limites body of research in this area is also a great opportunity for Maori to design and lead research that will have the most benefit for Maori. Lastly, by focusing research and intervention on how to improve physical health alone, the researchers are diregarding the othe aspects of well being identified in contemporary Maori health models. Thus, a line of research which could be great benefit to Maori would be aimed at understanding the effects of obesity on te taha wairua, hinengaro, whanau, tinana and from the result, developing intervention which maintian the balance of overall wellbeing. As has been touched upon, Maori involvement in all aspects of health from research to dilivery of services in essential. According to He Korowai Oranga (The Maori Health Strategy) involveme nt should ne at whanau, community and Iwi levels for maximum Maori participation (Ministry of Health, 2002). Because children with obese parents are more likely to become obese aldults themselves, interventions such as the â€Å"Healthy Eating-Healthy Action Plan† which are being implimented in many New Zealand schools, maybe more effective when parents and whanau are involved. What’s more, because of the part whanau play in the achievement of hauora, this approch may also be more culturally appropriate for Maori. Training in cultural sensitivity and Maori system of health for non-Maori health workers as well as participation in all aspects of planning and delivery is essential to developing policies tha twill achieve the desired outcome in this case, bringing to an end the obesity epidemic amoung Maori.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Batch biosorption isotherm parameters were determined using the Langmuir isotherm, Freundlich isotherm, Dubinin – Radushkevich isotherm and generalized isotherm models. Non-linear regression process gives better results for the determination of isotherms parameters [21]. Hence the isotherm parameters were determined using MATLAB tool ‘nlinfit’ for nonlinear regression. The Langmuir isotherm model is very often used to compute and compare the efficiency of different biosorbents. This model was originally developed for description of adsorption of gas on the activated carbon [26]. The empirical relationship is based on the assumptions that the biosorption is a monolayer, and biosorbent have the finite number of homogeneous binding sites. The Langmuir isotherm relation is basically hyperbolic and given in Eq. (2) [23]. (2) where qe is equilibrium biosorption uptake capacity, Cf is equilibrium concentration (mg l-1) of the residual sorbate, qmax is maximum sorbate uptake (mg g-1) under the given conditions and bL is Langmuir constant (l mg-1). Langmuir constant represents the energy and affinity of the biding sites. The Langmuir isotherm model can be expressed in terms of dimensionless equilibrium parameter ‘RL’ which is also known as separation factor as given in Eq. (3). Separation factor value helps to determine the nature of the biosorption process to be either unfavorable (RL>1), linear (RL=1), favorable (0 (3) The values of Langmuir constant and maximum biosorption capacity are summarized in Table 1. ICTB showed better performance as compared to other two biosorbents i.e. ICUB and ICLB. The maximum biosorption capacity of ICTB, ICUB and ICLB was found to be 197.68, 178.06 and ... ... isotherm is a combination of Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms models and is given below. (7) where qm is maximum biosorption capacity (mg g-1), nG is the cooperative binding constant and KG is the saturation constant (mg l-1). The values of Generalized isotherm constants, i.e. KG and nG along with maximum biosorption capacity were determined. The values of constants are summarized in Table 5. Generalized isotherm model gives a better fit to the equilibrium experimental data for biosorption of nickel ions. The values of MSE were found to be smaller and ranged between 0.88 to 10.27. Table 5: Generalized isotherm parameters for biosorption of nickel ions After comparing all the isotherm models it is revealed that Langmuir isotherm model and Generalized isotherm model represent the equilibrium biosorption data slightly better as compared with other isotherms.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Critical Essay on Edgar Allan Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher (1

The twenty first century author Alexandra Iftodi Zamfir (1986- ) argues that â€Å"architecture and settings are more important in Gothic fiction than in any other type of literature†¦all architectural elements are closely connected with Gothic protagonists and the plot.† (Zamfir. 2011: 15). This critical essay will first consider and analyse this statement and investigate the style, language and form of the American author Edgar Allan Poe’s (1809-1849) macabre and Gothic fictional prose The Fall of the House of Usher (1839) (Poe. 1987: 1). I shall present and argue how the artistic effects deployed in the narrative structure create an atmosphere of tension and suspense, through the exploration of architectural space demonstrated in a close reading and analysis from key passages of the text. The Fall of the House of Usher was written by the American author and poet Edgar Allan Poe, it first featured as a Gothic short story in Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine in (1839) (Hayes. 2002: xvii). Poe was writing at a time of immense change to social, economic and cultural conditions following the technological advancements of the Industrial Revolution (1750-1850), his work on The Fall of the House of Usher could be said to show an impact of Western society’s internal and external fragmentation. (Montagna: 2006). As stated by Zamfir â€Å"the universe portrayed in the House of Usher is Poe’s most sublime†¦in humanizing a dwelling to portray the inner self of the Gothic hero, but it also represents an investigation of the self in a state of disintegration.† (Zamfir. 2011: 62). This process of disintegration is both reflected within the architectural structure of the house itself; as the building gradually corrodes, in addition to that of the ps... ..._of_Space_in_Gothic_Architecture. [Accessed 11th May 2012] Giordano, R. (2005-2011) An Exploration of Short Stories by Edgar Allan Poe. [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 24th September 2011] Gunn, A.G. (1997-2002) Cyclopaedia of Ghost Story Writers. [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 24th September 2011] Hallqvist, C. (2001) The Poe Decoder. [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 24th September 2011] Montagna, J.A. (2006) The Industrial Revolution. [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 11th May 2012] Pridmore, J. (1998-2011) Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849). [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 24th September 2011]

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Jews in the Renaissance: Irony of the Promised Land Essay -- Essays Pa

Jews in the Renaissance: Irony of the Promised Land â€Å"The LORD appeared to Abram and said, ‘To your offspring I will give this land.’ So he built an altar there to the LORD, who had appeared to him† (Holy Bible, Gen. 12.7). Despite God’s oath to the Jews, this Promised Land has been repeatedly offered and confiscated by Christians. The Renaissance is one period in history, though, during which Jews faced unimaginable brutality. Beginning in England, Jews throughout Europe were forced to constantly move in order to avoid persecution. However, the ways that Jews were treated in their respective countries differed sharply from the ways that they were portrayed in literature. Jews were eventually forced to leave England in 1289, by Charles of Anjou’s Edict of Expulsion. An excerpt clearly outlines the intentions of England: Although we enjoy much temporal profit from the aforesaid Jews, we prefer to provide for the peace of our subjects rather than to fill our coffers with the mammon of iniquity, especially since by the loss of temporal goods spiritual gains are achieved. Therefore, exhibiting zeal for the life-giving Cross, we have, for the honour of God and the peace of the aforesaid areas, expelled and ordered expelled from our aforesaid counties of Anjou and Maine all Jews, male and female, adults and young people, children and infants, of whatever sex or condition they might have been born and raised. We have expelled them from all areas of these counties not only for the present but for all times, both for our time as well as that of our successors upon whom the said counties may happen to devolve. (Mundill 300) After weighing the monetary gains associate... ... International Bible Society, 1984. Bible Gateway. Muskegon, MI: Gospel Communications International, 2003. 16 Mar. 2004. Mundill, Robin R. England’s Jewish Solution: Experiment and Expulsion, 1262-1290. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. Roth, Cecil. A History of the Jews in England. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1978. Shapiro, James. Shakespeare and the Jews. New York: Columbia UP, 1996. Yaffe, Martin D. Shylock and the Jewish Question. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1997. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] There is some disagreement about the influence of Dr. Lopez’s Jewish heritage. According to Berek, he was charged and executed because he was considered to be a traitor. Berek argues that the crime of â€Å"Jewishness† is only used when there is no other appropriate charge. Jews in the Renaissance: Irony of the Promised Land Essay -- Essays Pa Jews in the Renaissance: Irony of the Promised Land â€Å"The LORD appeared to Abram and said, ‘To your offspring I will give this land.’ So he built an altar there to the LORD, who had appeared to him† (Holy Bible, Gen. 12.7). Despite God’s oath to the Jews, this Promised Land has been repeatedly offered and confiscated by Christians. The Renaissance is one period in history, though, during which Jews faced unimaginable brutality. Beginning in England, Jews throughout Europe were forced to constantly move in order to avoid persecution. However, the ways that Jews were treated in their respective countries differed sharply from the ways that they were portrayed in literature. Jews were eventually forced to leave England in 1289, by Charles of Anjou’s Edict of Expulsion. An excerpt clearly outlines the intentions of England: Although we enjoy much temporal profit from the aforesaid Jews, we prefer to provide for the peace of our subjects rather than to fill our coffers with the mammon of iniquity, especially since by the loss of temporal goods spiritual gains are achieved. Therefore, exhibiting zeal for the life-giving Cross, we have, for the honour of God and the peace of the aforesaid areas, expelled and ordered expelled from our aforesaid counties of Anjou and Maine all Jews, male and female, adults and young people, children and infants, of whatever sex or condition they might have been born and raised. We have expelled them from all areas of these counties not only for the present but for all times, both for our time as well as that of our successors upon whom the said counties may happen to devolve. (Mundill 300) After weighing the monetary gains associate... ... International Bible Society, 1984. Bible Gateway. Muskegon, MI: Gospel Communications International, 2003. 16 Mar. 2004. Mundill, Robin R. England’s Jewish Solution: Experiment and Expulsion, 1262-1290. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. Roth, Cecil. A History of the Jews in England. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1978. Shapiro, James. Shakespeare and the Jews. New York: Columbia UP, 1996. Yaffe, Martin D. Shylock and the Jewish Question. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1997. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] There is some disagreement about the influence of Dr. Lopez’s Jewish heritage. According to Berek, he was charged and executed because he was considered to be a traitor. Berek argues that the crime of â€Å"Jewishness† is only used when there is no other appropriate charge.

Muffler Magic

They are young, energetic and willing to learn from the ground up. For Intermediate technicians. I recommend trade school and trade school graduates. These individuals have more than the basic skill set and have chosen their career path. For senior technicians, I recommend to first look to hire within. These individuals know the business and are familiar with the daily operations and company expectations. Next I would look at advertising in the local paper, internet and Job fairs. B. My recommendation for selecting these Individuals would consist of a rigorous here prong assessment of their skill level.This would consist of a Job knowledge test, a structured interview and work sample simulations (Desire, 2010) to test the validity of their knowledge. I also recommend background checks and references. C. My recommendation for training would consist of various skill assessments for all levels of employees. This would include new employee orientation for all newly hired employees' regar dless of skill level. I recommend that a classroom environment be established so that each level (novice, intermediate and senior) to chive the proper training.This could ensure that they receive the proper training to any oral, written, and on-the-job training for all certifications. The classroom should have several automobiles for safe and more detailed hands on experience. II. The following are my suggestions for three questions that Ron Brown should Include In a structure EAI Interview Tort experienced technicians. A. â€Å"One of our company's biggest challenges is safety. How would you deal with b. â€Å"Have you accomplished something you didn't think was possible? † c. â€Å"How long would you stay with the company? Ill.If I were Ron Brown, I would implement the professor's recommendation to start paying for sick days, because of the following: a. The first reason I would implement paying sick days is that safety should be priority one! Both the safety of our emplo yees and that of our customers. An employee could lack the necessary attention to detail if they are on some type of over the counter medication. This could cause some type of accident, either in the shop or with a customer's automobile while it is on the road. This could lead to sever doily injury and potential lawsuits. . Work production could come to a near halt if one contagious employee comes in and contaminates the entire shop. Instead of one employee out, you end up with four-five. C. Due to time constraints to ensure the vehicle get in and out in a timely manner, it is imperative that each employee is working at their Max potential. While 50% production might be better than zero, it means nothing if the work is not done properly. ‘V. Ron Brown should implement the professor's skill-based pay plan in its present form, because of the following: .This would allow for each employee to know where they stand in regards to compensation with their skill set and abilities. This could help motivate employees to acquire more skills; this would intern lift the overall skill set of the shop b. If they are looking for career progression, this would provide them with a clear set of goals for each to strive for. C. If employees know that the possibility for progression is there and is attainable, it could also help cut down on turn-over. V. Ron Brown should not implement the professor's incentive pay plan, because of he following: a.This could create a divided shop as each team would be in constant competition wilt can toner. You would a nave to ensure Tanat all teams were AT equal strength with the same amount of team members all trained on the same level. This could create a hostile work environment if one team is under staffed or under trained. B. This could promote individuals coming in when sick or not taking the necessary time off that they might need. Again, the safety of the employees and customers should be the priority. C.There is the appearance on so many different variables that it would be difficult to properly determine if a team has been more productive that another. You have to factor in the type of work done, how labor extensive, time-off for employees, safety and you still have to ensure that each technician still receives the proper training in the proper environment. Employees would be so busy competing for money. This could be a time consuming process that ends up costing more than its worth. Desire, G. (2010). Human Resource Management. New Jersey: Prentice Hill.